Don't think our service is worth it to you? No problem.
Here's the brief on how I would recommend you do it on your own...
Job Posting
The first impression any candidate sees from us.
The key to me is to make it friendly and inviting.
Not like the rest that are full of cold/dark ChatGPT corporate speak
Avoid the fluff and make it clear what they are getting themselves into.
Hiring great talent is just like any other sales funnel!
Keep them hooked throughout
Where to Post?
There's so many job posting sites, some free others not.
The thing is, we can't know for sure where that great candidate will come from.
So we gotta use them all! (Indeed, OLJ, Upwork, etc)
Depending on our offer, we could get hundreds - even thousands - of applicants.
Unless we really want to spend the next 3 months taking interviews, there's probaly a better way!
Basically we funnel them through di
fferent questions that would help to disqualify at each step. Speedtest, English test, experience level, etc
My favorite part comes at the end - the video response.
Of the candidates that make it this far, I would guess 50% fall off here.
Mock Test
The mock test. Another layer to see if they are what ware looking for.
This would directly test them on what they claim to be experienced in.
Or, if we are hiring for no experience, to show they have the potential to learn.
Getting a solid mock test down will take some iterations - removing the bad ones and revising others for clarity.
Ours never take more than 20 minutes to complete.
Initial Interview
Phew - we made it this far with a candidate.
Saving ourself the 1000 hours of interviewing every damn candidate that applied.
Now what do I even say on the interview?
I've bombed plenty of interviews.. it took some time for me to figure out.
We are very strict with our talent, so most interviews do not work out. Even if they passed all the other tests - which is why its essential for me.
Every meeting block is 30 minutes. Some I cut short if im not feeling it, some I go longer if I want to learn more.
My objective for the first interview is to learn about who they are, not quizzing them.
The best lesson I learned about interviewing was to dig deep! I rarely ask a question without a followup based on how they responded.
Followup Interview
I always meet again before hiring.
I've had plenty go bad on the followup, which remind me why I do it.
This one is more of a culture fit test, and a skill test (if they have direct experience).
This is a good starting point for hiring, but far from the whole story. If you want my full playbook on exactly how I hire from the Philippies, click the button right here!